Compensatory Acceleration Training
Compensatory acceleration training is defined by Fred Hatfield as a method for adding resistance in the easier parts of our lifts. An example would be adding chains to a squat so the top of the lift is the heaviest.

HIRT for Hypertrophy
The program below is a byproduct of a strength-endurance protocol for athletes that I worked on with strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline. Trainees who used the program routinely complained about their clothing no longer fitting properly: their shoulders got bigger and...

HIIT versus HIRT
Your feelings don’t matter! That is, your subjective feeling of the effectiveness of a workout is not important as what science tells us is important to building an impressive base of endurance and changing your body composition. A common training method is...

Effective Ways of Building Mitochondria
Why does exercise make us healthier? One of the most important linkages may be due to improving our mitochondrial functioning. Healthier mitochondria may be the route to living better, healthier lives, while also being better in our sport or work. This article is the...

Increasing Fitness in the Other 162 Hours
I recently shared a few of my go-to programs for endurance and strength. When combined, these programs will take you about an hour a day for six days a week. But what you do with the other 162 hours of your week makes a big difference, too. Researchers have found...

The One-Arm Barbell Press
The one-arm barbell press is a great movement for building overall strength and integrating the stabilizer muscles of the shoulders. This article describes how to do it safely. Not for beginners.

How does Greasing the Groove work?
How to grease the groove for strength training.

How To Do Your First Pull-Up.
I have a rule when working with new athletes on pull-ups. I ask them to “just say no” to bands. Bands are much like drugs in that once a person gets hooked, it is difficult to get them off. You may have inadvertently gotten yourself hooked on these little...

How to Perform the Kettlebell Swing
The kettlebell swing is a fundamental skill that is great for beginner to advanced athletes. It has almost magical properties, in that it increases strength in many domains. Part of this “what the hell effect” is related to reversing the momentum of the kettlebell....

How to do a Turkish Get-up
“Everyone loves the Turkish getup. Except me. But they are so darn good for me I do them anyway. I do 20 per week usually with my snatch weight bell but sometimes just with a shoe… the Turkish get up is the cod liver oil of exercise lifts.” - Gary Music He’s right....